WHITE SECRET Unifying Complexion Serum – 30ml (1 Serum)
Piment Doux Plus is an exfoliating pigment erasing solution; suitable for the use of whitening dark pigmentation on Knuckles, Feet, Knees and Elbow.
4 in stock
1 Serum – 30mg
White Secret Unifying Complexion Serum is a body oil with fruits acids and whitening complex, which is developed to whiten, moisturize and purify your skin. It is also enriched with vitamin A and E to protect and promote skin care; hence, protect your youthfulness, soften your skin, refreshes and makes and make it so much sensation.
White secret Serum contains ingredients proven to lighten your skin, remove dark spots and prevent reappearance. The cream works instantly, Bright results are seen from the very first five 5 days. Adapted to all skin types. Makes your skin smooth. Dermatologist tested. White Secret handles even the sensitive skin. It Contains vitamin E that treats pigmented skin and stains, proven to enlighten your skin and remove Blackhead and spots.
White Secret Serum is also an exfoliating pigment erasing solution; use for the whitening of dark pigmentation of the skin. Particularly, Knuckles, Feet, Knees and Elbow. This serum is multi functional as it repair all deformity and irregularities of the skin.
The serum hydrates while the lotion exfoliates peels off rough and tough layers of the skin, giving you a radiant, smooth and glowing skin.
For that natural QUICK action Skin Toning, go for White Secret
Good for all skin type & suitable for unisex
DIRECTION FOR USE: – Apply on dark spots on hands or feet, wait a couple of minutes till it is absorbed and then moisturise your hands with the serum.